Spesolimab for preventing generalised pustular psoriasis flares in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and over

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Spesolimab is in development for the prevention of flares in generalised pustular psoriasis in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and over.

Interventions: Spesolimab (BI 655130)
Therapeutic Areas: Dermatology
Year: 2024

Spesolimab is in development for the prevention of flares in generalised pustular psoriasis in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and over. Generalised pustular psoriasis is a rare dermatological condition characterised by the sudden appearance of multiple small blisters filled with pus (called pustules) on large areas of the skin on the body, arms, and legs, that also become red and painful. These episodes are called flares. Generalised pustular psoriasis flares greatly affect a person’s quality of life and can cause life-threatening complications such as heart failure, sepsis, potentially leading to hospitalisation or even death. There are currently no approved treatments for the prevention of generalised pustular psoriasis flares; the relapsing nature of generalised pustular psoriasis (recurrent flares or persistent disease with intermittent flares) highlights the need to develop treatments to prevent flares.