Neuro-Cells for treating traumatic spinal cord injury

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Neuro-Cells are in development for the treatment of patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI). The spinal cord can be injured through accidents or by internal causes such as tumours or bleeding within the spine putting pressure on the spinal cord.

Interventions: Neuro-Cells
Indications: Spinal cord injury
Therapeutic Areas: Musculoskeletal System
Year: 2024

Neuro-Cells are in development for the treatment of patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI). The spinal cord can be injured through accidents or by internal causes such as tumours or bleeding within the spine putting pressure on the spinal cord. The resulting damage to the nerves that run through the cord and that branch out from it can stop the flow of nerve impulses between the brain and the body. This leads to loss of feeling, paralysis and even death, depending on the severity of the injury and where it is located. TSCI occurs when an external physical impact, for example, a motor vehicle injury, fall, sports-related injury or violence, acutely damages the spinal cord. TSCI can severely impact on physical, cognitive, and psychological functioning. TSCI has high morbidity and mortality, and currently there are no curative treatments available for TSCI.