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| 12 Results

Post Type Technology Category Tags Year Actions
Repurposing of therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2 an overview of current evidence Report Therapeutics 2021 View  |  Download
Rapid Technology Scan: Radioligand Technologies Report Diagnostics , Therapeutics 2021 View  |  Download
Priority setting for faecal incontinence protocol Report Diagnostics , Therapeutics 2021 View  |  Download
Leveraging Twitter to Track Global Views on Pharmacological Treatments for Mental Health Conditions: A Natural Language Processing Study Journal Article Methods , Therapeutics 2021 View  |  Website 
Horizon Scanning Report: Identification of innovations for PET radiopharmaceuticals in the context of the Welsh Health Service Report Diagnostics , Therapeutics 2023 View  |  Download
Horizon Scanning Report: Horizon scan and landscape analysis of innovations in therapeutic radioligand technologies Report Therapeutics 2024 View  |  Download
Horizon Scan for Immuno-Oncology Products: Mapping future indications for Pembrolizumab, Nivolumab and Atezolizumab Report Therapeutics 2022 View  |  Download
Horizon Scan for Histology Independent Technologies Report Therapeutics 2021 View  |  Download
Horizon Scan for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Report Therapeutics 2021 View  |  Download
Future Developments and New Technologies in the field of Faecal Incontinence: Scanning the Horizon Using Late-Stage Clinical Trial Registrations Journal Article Devices , Methods , Therapeutics 2022 View  |  Website 
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