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Horizon Scanning Report: Horizon scan and landscape analysis of innovations in therapeutic radioligand technologies

Post Type: Report
Technology Category: Therapeutics
Year: 2024

Radioligand technologies have a well-established role in the treatment of certain cancer conditions in the UK. To understand upcoming radioligand technologies in clinical development that might prove disruptive to current clinical pathways, the All Wales Molecular Radiotherapy (MRT) Strategic Programme team requested the Innovation Observatory (IO) to conduct a horizon scan to identify therapeutic radioligand technologies. This report presents the included clinical trials, the radioligands being tested, and the indications they are being tested for. It also includes a breakdown of trial phases of the included clinical trials, the sponsors conducting the trials, trial locations, along with the regulatory status for the radioligands in the UK. It also reports on which of the radioligands/indications have positive NICE recommendations. Our global horizon scan provides not only the All-Wales MRT team, but also other national organisations/bodies, with information on the opportunities for discovering new indications for therapeutic radioligand technologies of interest.